No green thumb required!

With a little TLC, everyone can grow vegetables and fresh cut flowers in their home garden beds, or even pots in small spaces.
Find what plants your interested in and start at a scale you know you can manage. Have a small plot of grass and access to a rototiller? Have a mulched landscape bed right outside your door that needs some TLC? Have a couple of containers sitting on your back deck or in the shed? Start small with what you can manage. Though they won't need much effort, they will need 5-10 minutes a day of care.

Key Tips:
- Choose a sunny space. Most crops need maximum day length of about 8 hours or so.
- For landscape gardening, use a drill to make holes. Yes, a drill! Quick and easy.
- Good quality compost. If you make your own chances are its not enough, so I recommend going to your local garden center and purchasing a bag. I use an 8oz cup of compost around the plant at the time of planting. If you are planting seeds, amend the bed your working in with compost before you plant. Espoma is a great organic brand. Locally it can be found at Wentworth Nursery in Oakville and Prince Frederick. Leaf Gro is another great option.
- Larger pants need to be about 12"-18" apart, smaller plants like most flowers 6"-9" apart.
-Keep plants watered and weeded. These two things along will keep your plants producing all season. Water with a sprinkler set up on a cheap timer. If using pots, you will need to water every day, sometimes twice a day, as the downside to container gardening is that they dry out faster.
-A good growing garden starts with healthy transplants. Buy good quality transplants with strong root systems (lift and check). We grow high quality, heirloom varieties using organic practices.
Occasionally we have extra transplants for sale in the Spring. Contact us at to find out what veggie and flower transplants we have growing for your garden.

Growing your own food and flowers is a fun activity for adults and kids.
Now- Get outside in the fresh Spring sunshine, stretch your limbs, and dig in the soil-- I bet you will shake those winter blues immediately!

Note about our transplants: All of our transplants come ready to plant directly into your garden beds.
To place an order for vegetable or flower transplants, or for more information about what we have available contact us at info(at)
